Every Project Starts With a Briefing of its Customer
Lima One has an approach that can be of assistance to you in the delivery of security service around the country.
One of the key areas that Lima One has made its mark, is in the Regional and Remote areas of Australia. We acknowledge the challenges that certain areas are faced with and we don’t shy away from this. We know there are cultural challenges within indigenous communities and the side effects of this. As Lima One recently engaged a Indigenous Services Delivery Officer we value this knowledge and use that to our advantage in developing our strategies in delivery of service.
One of the big misconceptions in the delivery of Security services for National Contracts is most the time companies think the big companies are the best option and value for money. Yes, they do have the infrastructure, however most the time, the easiest and best option for these large companies is to outsource to the cheapest small company they can find! If they can produce the licenses and insurances and place them in the correct uniform the large company assumes they have done their job. The only time management get involved, is when something goes wrong.
This philosophy is wide spread amount the large companies and is the leading cause to most client’s problems.
The philosophy behind identifying the issues in the community, does not necessarily meet the overall picture of the security program you should be introducing. Say for example, there is a high population of Indigenous people in the community and there is high probability of an offense taking place on your premises by an indigenous person.
If your security staff are looking at a trait and reacting to this, then this can create a bigger problem than the offence itself. Targeting good people can turn a community against you very quickly!
For Lima One, we speak to the local authorities, local community groups, Indigenous elders. This allowes us to see what the underlying root causes are for the overall issues faced by the community. Is it unemployment, Drug Addiction or the types of drugs commonly used in the community, is it abuse (this has a massive impact on how youth handle themselves in the community).
A lot of regional and remote areas don’t have people with the right qualification and or licenses that are required to do the job. Or a worse predicament, the only people that are licensed to do the job just aren’t suited and cause more problems than they are there to prevent.
Where necessary we move people in until we can get local people educated and trained through our training partners. Again, we make a strategic decision to target a particular community group. For example, we would look at training people in the indigenous community close to the local elders. This has a positive effect in areas that have low employment.
Once we have our new people trained and Licensed, we deploy to site.
Once we have the information from point 1,2 &3, we can then start to understand the complexities of the local community and work with our client to best address this.
One of the key fundamentals of our plan is the induction and training of our staff. For example, if we identified there was an epidemic of ice use in the local aboriginal community, then we would have a training package put together on our online Induction, Communication and Training platforms, for our staff on how to identify drug users and ways to handle this situation. We would also have a list of community specialist to assist when and if necessary.
This would also tie in with the overall Security Management plan to ensure we provide the utmost best possible service to you, the client.For Lima One, our success in Regional and Remote Australia has its challenges. It is important that the changes don’t happen overnight and take 3-6 months (depending on training new staff) to achieve the desired outcome. However, more often than not, if we follow our principles surrounding service delivery, we will succeed in achieving the overall objectives for you.
If we identified that it was a large indigenous Community, then we would identify the training required and role that out on our Learning Management system. However, just because its Indigenous does not mean that the indigenous training should be the same.
All Indigenous communities come from their own people or clan. Some even call it their own nation, so it’s important we understand the cultural differences when training our staff. The same can be said of the multicultural community. It would be stupid of us to do cultural awareness training on Nigerian immigrants if they are Sudanese.
Once we have identified the requirement, we roll out the appropriate training for our staff, on our online Learning Management platform along with all our other training packages such as covert operations etc.
Our Partners
Our employees are what drive our ongoing success, especially with on
going client satisfaction. At Limaone we take great emphasis on training and development.